Monday, August 27, 2007

Chicago (revised)

Wow!! That picture is beautiful. I love everything about Chicago. I like the beauty,the excitment,the expieriences,some of the people, and the sky line. My favorite thing about Chicago is the activity happening. There's always something going on. I wish they could all be positive activities but sometimes there just not. I think the best part of growing up in Chicago would have to be all the oppurtunitie's Ive had here.

Sometimes its hard living here. I always hear sirens going off. Someones always getting hurt or doing something wrong. I mean things happen that we cant control but it would be nice if sometimes I didn't hear those sirens. It's also kind of fun to get tested by God in so many different ways because if your a strong willed person as I am, you could overcome those tests and get something good out of it. There's so much to do in Chicago and so many different people to meet. I absoluetly love the diversity in the city. I think that Chicago is kind of a picture of heaven. God has created so many different colored people.

The worse thing about Chicago (in my expieriences) is how people are classified. I don't think anyone should be called a nerd, dork, geek, jock, punk, ghetto, etc. We should just be able to be ourselves without worrying what someone might classify us as.

Overall I think Chicago is a beautiful place to grow up. Its full of curiosity, excitment, and fun. I love Chicago.


Katherine said...

Hey gurl, i really like your thought about Chicago. I like how when i read it i can actually believe that you are saying it. Oh and i don't think you're a dork, nerd or weird i just think you're crazy. Well talk to you later

lindsey said...

I agree with you; I absolutely love the diversity of Chicago. I am so glad that you guys are able to have that perspective that I didn't.

Okay Cindy. There are 3 things I want you to work on. The first 2 are small, and the third is big.

#1. Their, there, and they're - people get these wrong all the time, but they are so important. Look through your post and check each "there" that you use. Make sure it's the right one.

#2. Apostrophes are confusing, but you have to make sure you know how to use them correctly.

Look at this:

"Theres always something going on."

What is 'theres'? Shouldn't it be:

"There's always something going on."?

I noticed a bunch of these apostrophe errors, ten to be exact. Find them and fix them.

#3. Be careful of fragments. Look at these:

"The beauty,the excitment,the expieriences,some of the people, and the sky line."

"All the differnt colors that God has created."

Do you see how these are incomplete because there is no action? How can you change them to create a complete sentence?

Good job Cindy!