Thursday, September 20, 2007

I think the best movie of all time is "West Side Story". This is a good movie because this movie demonsrates that it takes a tragedy to realize that it doesn't matter how differnet people are, they sholud still be kind. Also you can't forbid love. People have freedoms and that is well demonsrtated in this move. This magnificent movie is a different type of Romeo and Juliet. I recommend this movie to people who like romance, comedy, and reality.
The thing that makes me happy is my family. I really love my family and I would do anything for them. Even though we bicker and fight like every family would, in the end we always find a way to make it better. My siblings are a big part of my life. To us its like if one got in trouble we all got in trouble. My brother and I always got spanked together. One time we got in trouble and we were gonna get spanked with a paddle so my brother and I went to our rooms and put on a lot of underwear on so that it wouldn't hurt. Then we met my dad in the basement where we got spanked. It was funny when my dad finished and went up stairs. We started laughing. So basically we have all gone through a lot together. That has all just made me love my family even more. They are my joy;my happiness.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Teenage issues!!!!!!(revised)

I think that a big issue for teens is sex. Sex has such an affect on teens. I have never had sex and don't plan on doing it untill I'm married. Teens seem to think that if they have sex they'll be accepted and they'll be making the people they like happy. A lot of teens think that if they don't have sex, they won't be cool. I think otherwise.

I have heard a lot of female teens say that if they dont have sex with the guy she thinks she loves or he'll leave her.So teenage women have sex to satisfy their boyfriends.

Teenage men have sex to "fit in". Guys seem to think that if your a certain age and still a virgin, then there is something wrong with you. They also do it for pleasure.

The media has no help in promoting abstinence. The media just encourages teens to have sex by showing vulgure things. I just think that if teens save themselves for marriage there would be less drama.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Chicago (revised)

Wow!! That picture is beautiful. I love everything about Chicago. I like the beauty,the excitment,the expieriences,some of the people, and the sky line. My favorite thing about Chicago is the activity happening. There's always something going on. I wish they could all be positive activities but sometimes there just not. I think the best part of growing up in Chicago would have to be all the oppurtunitie's Ive had here.

Sometimes its hard living here. I always hear sirens going off. Someones always getting hurt or doing something wrong. I mean things happen that we cant control but it would be nice if sometimes I didn't hear those sirens. It's also kind of fun to get tested by God in so many different ways because if your a strong willed person as I am, you could overcome those tests and get something good out of it. There's so much to do in Chicago and so many different people to meet. I absoluetly love the diversity in the city. I think that Chicago is kind of a picture of heaven. God has created so many different colored people.

The worse thing about Chicago (in my expieriences) is how people are classified. I don't think anyone should be called a nerd, dork, geek, jock, punk, ghetto, etc. We should just be able to be ourselves without worrying what someone might classify us as.

Overall I think Chicago is a beautiful place to grow up. Its full of curiosity, excitment, and fun. I love Chicago.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Muse as defined talks about the 9 daughters of Zeus being godesses and doing all that they do with their powers. If I break up the word I get the first word harvest,which is a time of growing and planting seeds. Muse,which is saying something about 9 people. If I put them together, it means a time of planting seeds within nine students who can make a difference in all that they do. In God's eyes we can do all things.