Monday, November 17, 2008

Tradition Gone Bad

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cindy and she was in love with a young man named Angel. They dated for a while, but decided that they wanted to be married. The wedding was a beautiful cerimony and although Angel's family wasn't there, he still was happy because he loved Cindy very much and would guard her with his life. Christmas time was the young couple's favorite holiday and they decided to make a new tradition. They would go from door to door and sing christmas carols. One chilly night, they went caroling and with them was Cindy's best friend Melissa. It was cold so some people allowed us to enter their home to serenaid them with our voices. They encountered one place with a family consisiting of a husband, a wife, and their young daughter. It was a warm pleasant store that they lived in. They were very welcoming and kind, but there was something about them that seemed a little creepy. Cindy sang a song for them called "Believe". The family really enjoyed it, as did Angel. Angel smiled at Cindy so sweetly and mouthed the words "I Love You". The husband of the family caught that and became very jealous of Angel and Cindy's love. As Cindy sat with the wife, the husband took hold of Angel and locked him in a big clear case. Cindy and Melissa became very frightened and tried to help Angel. Angel felt so helpless and he was often very protective of Cindy because he never wanted someone to harm her. Something would happen, but Cindy nor Angel knew what it was. The little family whispered amongst themselves. Finally, the husband made a move and started to chase Cindy around with a knife. Cindy ran around frantically in fear. Angel became angry and began trying to break out of the case. The husband wouldn't stop. He shouted repeatedly, "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU", but Cindy refused to stop running. The wife and daughter tried to stop Cindy and assure her that the husband wouldn't hurt her and that he just wanted to love her, but again Cindy wouldn't stop. Meanwhile Melissa was trying to get Angel out of the case so that he could help Cindy. When they were finally able to get Angel out, he immediatly came to Cindy's rescue. Cindy ran behind Angel and he stood strongly in front of her (he looked like a big, strong bear protecting his cub). As Angel stood in front of her, he gathered all his strength and punched the husband so hard in the face that the husband fell out cold for a while. In the time that the husband was out, Cindy and Melissa managed to escape and run ahead of Angel to open the car. They jumped in quickly and Angel jumped in shortly after them. As they looked out of the car window, they saw the husband running to get in his car to chase the couple and their friend. As Angel drove the car quickly off, the husbands car began to fade in the night. They finally lost him. The couple was so happy to be safe and warm together. That famly was never seen again. Never again would they go Christmas caroling and never again would Angel ever leave his wife's side. The couple then lived happily ever after.