Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Special Dinner

If there were three people that I could have dinner with they would be: Esther (from the bible), Cortetta Scott King, and Mary, Jesus' mother. I would pick them because all three were women of faith. All three are never forgotten. All three have been significant in history. I would love to sit and have a conversation with them. I would like to ask them questions such as how they got to where they were? What inspired them? What encouraged them when they were weak? Those are some of the questions I would love to ask them because then it can inspire me to be a woman of faith; The one God called me to be. They inspire me to want more faith and trust in the Lord more. They are my women of faith rolemodels.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My Home

Walking through the door of my home is peaceful, sometimes. I wake up in the morning to my alarm clock and the house is quiet because everyone is gone by the time I wake up. When I come home from school it's peaceful as well because I'm the first one home from a long day. By the time everyone gets home, it's usually noisy. Theres the dogs, my loud mouth family memebers, and the sound of a dinner getting cooked. Most of my evenings I spend at church but when I'm home it can get pretty noisy. Most of the time my family and I sit down for a family dinner and we laugh and enjoy each others company. When were not all together in the house, someone is usually blasting music and its not just any music, it has o be the noisiest and most obnoxiuos music. Lights are always left on everywhere in the house. My dogs and birds are constantly making noise. The only place I have to myself is my place of dwelling which is my room. My room is the most peacful part of my home and without it, I would be insane.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Time of my Greatest Fear

I felt my breathe getting heavier and heavier. I felt my heart about to pound out of my chest but yet I was calm. Once my brother and I had done something really bad, but the memory of what we had done is vague. We were in so much trouble and my father had told us to meet him in the basement to get spanked with a paddle. At that time I was about 10 years old and my brother was 12 so we were so afraid of my father. My father was like a horror movie, a nightmare, and a haunted house in one so you can only imagine the kind of fear my brother and I had. My brother and I had come up with a plan so that it wouldn't hurt when we got spanked. We put on a numerous amount of underwear to protect our behinds. I was so afraid that we were going to get caught so my heart began to pound and I started to breathe heavy but in my mind I was calm because I knew if we didn't get caught that my spanking wasn't going to hurt. We heard my fathers foot steps walking heavily down the stairs and each heavy step that he took my heart would beat harder and harder. I felt tears coming down my cheeks because I was so afraid and when I finally saw him my tears were uncontrollable. When it was time to get spanked my brother went first and he didn't get caught so I knew I wasn't gonig to get caught either. I felt like laughing when it was over because I was so fearful of my dad and we didn't even get caught. I know it was bad to lie. I learned that there is no easy way to get out of consequences. I just have to stand up and own up to my mistakes. That was my most fearful day.